
Solar Projects are more than just clean energy generation facilities,

they are also good neighbors which create jobs and provide clean energy choices to consumers and communities. In many locations, we turn our solar farms into active pollinator habitats.

Conscientious Design

Our projects often create valuable pollinator habitat and minimize the use of concrete and gravel. We value low impact designs and take pride in the ability to return sites to their previous use.

Respect for Communities

Our projects coexist with adjacent farming and communities. With a minimal footprint, they generate no noise, lighting or glare. We endeavor to work closely with permitting agencies to ensure all questions are answered and all requirements are met or exceeded.

Clean Energy Savings

Our projects eliminate millions of tons of carbon pollution and provide low-cost, renewable community power close to the point of consumption. Join us to enjoy the power of affordable, locally-produced clean energy!

Community Engagement

Every OneEnergy solar project begins with community engagement.

Our goal is to establish sustainable relationships with communities across the United States, with a focus on the areas of environmental sustainability, economic development and community investment.

Working closely with a community from the get-go allows us to hear community input, convey some of the advantages of solar farms, and most importantly, build valuable relationships with local stakeholders.

The initial step we take for any solar energy project is meet with the community. We typically hold preliminary informational meetings with the community planning agency to ensure that we are working together to include all stakeholders in the process. In addition to working with local planning and permitting authorities, we invite community representatives, neighbors, and local utilities to engage in the solar development process. This allows an exchange of ideas, and provides us an opportunity to share some of the benefits a solar farm can bring to a community.

Community Benefits

Our solar energy projects add to pollinator habitat, protect wetlands, decrease stormwater runoff and create job opportunities.

In regions where it's feasible, we have been at the forefront of innovative approaches to integrating dual-use design to maximize the agricultural and landscape benefits of our solar array, including grazing and pollinator habitat plantings. The acres of pollinator habitat we plant benefit soil and water quality by improving ground filtration, reducing runoff, and providing habitat for native bees, birds, and butterflies. What's more, it helps improve yields on nearby pollinator-dependent crops, including soybeans, fruits and many vegetables.

Working closely with local communities creates buy-in for our solar farm projects and paves the way for smooth permitting, entitlement and interconnection processes.

How Farms Benefit from Community Solar

"Co-location of solar installations and vegetation also has the potential to benefit agricultural areas, especially those where continuing agricultural production is a high priority."

– NREL, "Overview of Opportunities for Co-Location of Solar Energy Technologies and Vegetation" 2013