Muni | Midwest


Location: Lafayette County, WI

Size: 1.08 MWdc

Argyle Solar is part of OneEnergy’s Butter Solar portfolio, a 32 MegaWatt suite of 10 solar projects in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.


Upper Midwest Municipal Energy Group (UMMEG) is a is a Wisconsin municipal electric company with sixteen members and represents electricity providers in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. UMMEG purchases the energy from the Argyle Solar facility which is part of the Butter Solar portfolio.

Butter Solar is a unique partnership. Ten UMMEG member communities host the solar projects and use the solar power they generate. In addition, Dr. Bronner’s, Native Energy, the City of Madison, and Organic Valley purchase renewable energy credits from the portfolio which helps reduce energy supply costs for all parties. 

OneEnergy Renewables developed the project portfolio; acquiring the land, securing the interconnection rights, obtaining Power Purchase Agreements and selling the Renewable Energy Credits. BluEarth Renewables acquired this portfolio in 2019 and continues to operate the solar project assets.

Butter Solar Case Study 2020

See Case Study