Utility Solar | Business & Nonprofit | Pollinator Habitat | Mid-Atlantic


Location: Dorchester County, MD

Size: 4.30 MWdc

“Cambridge Solar Farm is going to give us a steady and reliable source of income that will help us continue to operate as a farm.”

– Mark Adams, Cambridge, MD

Cambridge Solar is a 4.3 MW (DC) solar photovoltaic project in the heart of Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It began operating in spring 2015 with a design intended to meet 40% of the National Aquarium’s annual electricity needs.


OneEnergy worked closely with a muilti-generational landowner to responsibly develop this project. The land owner helped us intentionally site the project on the least productive 22-acre plot of a continguous 400-acre farm. The project benefits from one of the most effective combinations of solar irradiation and locational marginal pricing in the PJM electrical grid territory. 

OneEnergy creatively tailored the development of both the project and the transaction to meet the National Aquarium’s unique financial and energy profile needs by connecting it to Cambridge Solar (located roughly 50 miles from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor). National Acquarium worked closely with their energy provider, Constellation Energy, to integrate the project seamlessly into the Aquarium’s existing power supply. Constellation aquired the project in 2015 and continues to operates this solar facility. 

Cambridge Solar Case Study 2020
See Case Study
Landowner Perspective